To book a trip with YKFlex call (867) 873-8901 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays.
Types of Trips
There are three types of trip reservations:
A reserved trip is one where travel arrangements are made before the day of the needed trip by calling the YKFlex scheduling number. A reserved trip is guaranteed, subject to normal service delivery guidelines (for example, suspension of service because of bad weather).
A subscription trip is one that is needed on a regular basis, being at the same time and same days of the week each time. Only one call is needed to book a series of trips with a subscription trip. The trips will continue as subscribed until a change is asked for. A subscription trip can by changed once every three months. If you need more changes, you will have to book separate reserved trips and not use a subscription trip.
A demand trip is one where the trip request is made the day of the trip. These trips cannot always be met. It is best to book in advance. YKFlex will attempt to meet demand trip requests based on available schedule time and trip cancellations.
On Time Performance
To have flexibility to provide trips for as many passengers as possible, YKFlex vehicles may be schedule to arrive up to 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after the scheduled pick-up time. YKFlex asks customers to please be ready 15 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.
No vehicle will be allowed to leave the pick-up point before waiting a minimum of five minutes after arrival.
Examples of allowed arrival and departure of YKFlex vehicles:
- Scheduled pick up time is 9:00 a.m. YKFlex vehicle arrives at 8:50 a.m. and passenger is not ready. Driver cannot leave until at least 8:55 a.m.
- Scheduled pick-up time is 9:00 a.m. YKFlex vehicle arrives at 9:15 a.m. and passenger is not ready. Driver cannot leave until 9:20 a.m. (five minutes after arrival).
- One attendant may accompany a rider.
- Required attendants ride free of charge.
- Attendant must be picked up and dropped off at the same location as the rider.
- Attendant transportation must be included in the initial YKFlex application.
- Riders must inform YKFlex staff of attendant transportation at time of booking.
- Attendants cannot be registered YKFlex users.
If a rider's registration information shows the requirement for an attendant, the rider will not be allowed to travel without the attendant.
- Guests can only be immediate family members or one other person.
- Guests pay the regular fare.
- Guests must be picked up and dropped off at the same location as the rider.
- YATS staff must be informed of guests travelling at time of booking.
- Alternate travel times may be needed to allow guests to travel with the rider depending on availability.
Mobility Aids
- Canes, walkers, and other portable mobility aids are always accepted
- Wheelchairs should be in good working order with functional brakes.
- Lap belts are recommended for all wheel chair users.
- The combined weight of the passenger and mobility aid cannot be more than 275 kilograms (600 pounds) due to the lift machine capacity.
- If there is any question if the mobility device can be allowed on a YKFlex vehicle, you must call YKFlex prior to booking a ride.
Service Animals
- Riders who have a service animal must include this information on their application.
- Service animals can be brought on board free of charge.