A ratepayer can declare their support for either school board either partially or in full. A ratepayer can only change their school tax support within the 45 day period after the mailing date noted on the assessment notice. Upon the sale of a property, school tax support automatically reverts to the enrollment ratio.
Where Your School Tax Dollar Goes |
The City of Yellowknife levies and collects school taxes for the Yellowknife Education District No. 1 and the Yellowknife Catholic Schools. Revenues raised are passed directly to the two boards. The allocation of school taxes is shown on the Notice of Assessment for a property. |
How School Taxes are Allocated |
The City levies and collects school property taxes for the Yellowknife Education District No. 1 and Yellowknife Catholic Schools. The allocation of school taxes is shown on the Notice of Assessment for a property. If a property owner wishes to adjust how their school taxes are allocated, they should complete a School Support Declaration Form and submit it to the Registrar of the Board of Revision within 45 days of the mailing date of the assessment notice. If a property owner does not specify how their school taxes are to be allocated the taxes are allocated based on the enrollment ratio, which currently directs 60.43% of taxes to the Education District No. 1 board and 39.57% to the Catholic School board. When a property is sold, the allocation reverts to this distribution. |
To Change Your School Tax Support |
If you want to adjust how the school taxes that you pay are allocated, complete a School Support Declaration Form and submit it to the Registrar of the Board of Revision within 45 days of the mailing date of the assessment notice. The deadline to change the school support is February 20, 2025. |