Lakeview Cemetery features many burial areas, including the Veterans' Field of Honour, and a columbarium for cremated remains. It is located at the north end of Old Airport Road behind Bristol Pit.
Contact the City to:
- make arrangements for a burial
- reserve a spot in the columbarium
- locate a plot
- install a monument
Please view our Cemetery Fees for costs associated with the cemetery.
For detailed information regarding the cemetery, please view the Consolidated Cemetery By-law No. 3965.
Please view our Lakeview Cemetery Portal for an interactive map.
If you would like to place a monument or marker on a plot, please submit the monument permit application. Please include the dimensions and attach a sketch of the monument. There is no fee for a monument permit.
Your role
- submit the monument permit application form
- wait the required time before installation: cremation plots - 1 year; regular burial plots - 2 years
- place the monument within the confines of the plot (self or contractor); see page 2 Part 2.5 of the cemetery by-law for dimensions
- inform the City of the installation date; this must be between June 1 and October 31 or before the first snowfall.
- maintain the monument and plot
Our role
- process monument permit applications in a timely manner
- provide information and assistance upon request