Parking Passes and Exemptions
The City of Yellowknife offers several types of parking passes and exemptions, each with different criteria that must be met. Application forms can be completed in advance to save time and can be submitted in person at the Municipal Enforcement office, lower level of City Hall or by emailing Please note that in order to pick up the pass/exemption you will need to attend City Hall. For questions about parking or parking passes, please call us at (867) 920-5630 during office hours.
- Parking Meter Exemption - 1 & 2 hour meters. Please find the application form here. These passes are available for commercial vehicles, government vehicles and public service vehicles for a fee of $40.00 per month or $400.00 per year. Senior citizens, aged 60 and over, can apply for a free parking meter exemption, if they are the owner and exclusive user of the vehicle.
- Parking Meter Exemption - 9 hour meters. Please find the application form here. These passes are available for anyone and are typically used by people who work in the downtown core. The fee is $126.00 per month or $1048.00 per year. 9 hour meters are located at the outer parts of the downtown core. Please refer to the map for specific locations.
- 50/50 Lot Parking Permit. Please find the application here. Anyone can obtain a pass to park at the City owned 50/50 Lot, located at the corner of 50 Avenue and 50 Street. The fee for this pass is $126.00 per month. Please note that this lot is not energized.
- Loading Zone Permit. Please find the application here. These permits are available for delivery vehicles and commercial vehicles with a bona fide requirement to park in loading zones. The fee is $126.00 per year or $10.50 per month.