Residential Curbside Cart Program
The City of Yellowknife has implemented a two-cart waste system with a biweekly collection schedule for single family dwellings in residential areas as part of the Curbside Cart Program. Carts must be properly placed for pick-up prior to 7:00 am on collection day.
Your home should have a black cart for garbage collection and a green cart for organics collection. Please make a note of the Serial Numbers that are on the side of each cart in large white ink. The Serial Number will help the City to track, repair and recover your cart in the event that it is damaged or goes missing.
Any problems with your garbage/compost carts or the collection, please submit a ticket for "Curbside Cart Maintenance" via the Click and Fix YK reporting system. Be prepared to provide the address the cart is registered to and the Serial Number on the cart.
At the bottom of this page you can verify your collection schedule, as well as create/print off a schedule personalized for your address using the "Get a calendar" button on the "My Schedule" feature below. You are also able to sign up to receive reminders prior to your collection day using the "Get a reminder!" button.