Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the City of Yellowknife will hold a special meeting of Council at 12:05 p.m. on Monday, December 9, 2024 in the Council Chamber, City Hall.
The purpose of the meeting is to give First Reading to:
- By-law No. 5099, a by-law to impose a 4% Tourist Accommodation Tax; and
- By-law No 5100, a by-law to amend Fees and Charges By-law No. 4436, as amended, by amending Parts 5, 14 and 15 of Schedule B to reflect changes approved in Budget 2025.
This Special Meeting has been called by the City Manager of the City of Yellowknife pursuant to Section 27 of the Cities, Towns and Villages Act of the Northwest Territories and Section 9 of By-law No. 4975, the Council Procedures By-law.
Dated this 5th day of December, 2024.
<Original signed by the City Manager>
Stephen Van Dine
City Manager