The Human Resources Division is responsible for the management of all Human Resources functions for the City. Programs included are: staffing and recruitment; the City's safety program, job evaluation and descriptions; employee training and development; administration of employee benefits; human resources planning; labour relations, including contract negotiations; payroll; and administration of the Collective Agreements, Personnel By-laws and the personnel policies of the City.
The City of Yellowknife publishes current salary ranges for its staff positions. This salary range disclosure is intended to provide transparency related to the pay ranges for all City positions, while respecting the privacy and employees. The City is currently updating its job classification system for all PSAC and management/excluded positions. Job classification systems establish the relative ranking of jobs by analyzing position responsibilities, accountabilities and job-specific factors using a point rating which is then used to ensure equitable and fair compensation. Once this work is completed, the City will be publicizing the pay range for each City position.