The City of Yellowknife is proposing the creation of a new Area Development Plan (ADP) for the area west of Enterprise Drive and is looking for resident and business feedback. An ADP is a land use planning policy document that explains how a specific area will be developed in the future, and it’s important that residents and businesses provide their input about the priorities and suggestions they may have about it. Please see the section of land outlined in blue on the map for the location of this specific proposed Area Development Plan.

This Area Development Plan will provide a vision for future development of 68.1 hectares (168.3 acres) of land.

Residents can provide input until 4:30 p.m. on June 17, 2024, via a survey on the City’s PlaceSpeak page. Residents can send questions or comments to

Additional information:

  • The 2020 Community Plan identifies that the Subject Lands could accommodate light industrial and commercial development.
  • Area Development Plans are policy documents that support the City’s Community Plan policies.
  • Area Development Plans provide more detail than the Community Plan on the development of specific areas. It illustrates and provides policies regarding subdivision, land uses, densities, essential services and facilities, road layouts and circulation, pedestrian movements, the phasing of development, as well as other elements as identified by the City.
  • Area Development Plans are required to follow the objectives and policies set out in the corresponding land use designation(s) in which they exist (see Community Plan By-law No. 5007).

For more information and updates, please visit the City’s website.

Area west of Enterprise Drive that is the subject lands for this Area Development Plan.