On Monday, May 13, 2024, City Council passed a motion to introduce a $25 tipping fee for the disposal of mattresses at the Solid Waste Facility, which will take effect on June 1, 2024.

Mattresses are a difficult waste stream to manage due to their bulky size and metal springs. They are extremely hard to bury. As a result, they take up costly airspace, cause problems for City equipment and impact site safety. Various methods of disposal have been used in the past, with shredding proven to be the most effective solution. For this reason, the City utilizes a shredder to effectively manage the disposal of this item.  

The newly introduced tipping fee for mattresses aligns with mattress surcharges from other jurisdictions and will cover the cost of managing this type of waste. Starting June 1, anyone bringing in mattresses to the Solid Waste Facility will pay a surcharge of $25 per mattress. This applies to both residential and commercial customers. 

The City thanks residents for their understanding. Questions related to the mattress surcharge can be directed to swfinfo@yellowknife.ca.