Mayor Rebecca Alty is inviting young residents to join her for a special summer edition of “Lunch with the Mayor for Youth”. The event will be held on Wednesday, July 19 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. in Somba K’e Park, in front of City Hall. All youth (and their parents) are welcome to attend!

“Throughout the year, I receive emails and letters from young residents 5 years old and up with questions, suggestions and plenty of drawings of possible community buildings or spaces, so this is an opportunity to get together and share more,” said Mayor Rebecca Alty. “Whether they have questions about what City Council does or suggestions on ways to improve our community, I look forward to chatting more with young residents.”

“Lunch with the Mayor” is an informal opportunity for residents to come to City Hall and chat with the Mayor, other available Councillors, and residents during a lunch hour.

Attendees are invited to bring their own lunch to enjoy while participating in the discussion.

In case of rain, the event will be held in Council Chamber, which is located on the second floor of City Hall.


For more information:

Abby Schelew   

Corporate Communications Advisor                        

City of Yellowknife                                                     
