Effective immediately, the mandatory ban on open-air fires that was put in place on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) has been lifted for the City of Yellowknife due to recent precipitation and cooler temperatures. A fire ban may be issued if fire danger conditions are extreme and necessitate a ban.

Please practice fire safety at all times, burn responsibly, and ensure your fire is cold before leaving. All fires must be in an approved fire pit and require a burn permit. For more information on City of Yellowknife burn permits and to request a permit visit: https://www.yellowknife.ca/en/living-here/burn-permits.aspx.

Before having a fire, remember:

-          The fire must always be supervised and completely extinguished (soaked with water, stirred, and soaked again until cold) before leaving;

-          Do not have a fire if there are substantial winds; and

-          Burning yard waste requires a separate permit.