The public is hereby advised that a hearing of the Development Appeal Board of the City of Yellowknife has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber.

The purpose of this hearing is to consider an Appeal of the decision of the City Development Officer to issue a Development Permit #PL-2023-0070 for a 24-unit Multi-Unit Dwelling on Lot 33 and 34, Block 307, Plan 4809 (110 Hagel Drive).

The Development Appeal Board will hear from those persons identified in accordance with s.66(2) and 68(1) of the Community Planning and Development Act, and may hear from any other persons that it considers necessary. To request to speak please contact the Secretary to the Board at 920-5646.

Cole Caljouw
Secretary, Development Appeal Board