The City of Yellowknife (the City) is pleased to release an updated Community Emergency Plan and Evacuation Plan.

These plans play a key role in the City’s overall approach to emergency management. They build on emergency management best practices, engagement with stakeholders, and draw on the recommendations from the KPMG After-Action Assessment of the 2023 Wildfire Response.  

The Community Emergency Plan will replace the City’s previous Emergency Management Plan, outlining the framework for the City’s approach to emergency management. The Community Emergency Plan also includes best practices for the City to follow before, during, and after an emergency.

The Evacuation Plan expands on the City’s previous Evacuation Framework and sets out the structure and framework for managing partial or full evacuations.

They are both prepared with an all-hazards approach and a wide scope to allow a flexible response to any emergency.

The City of Yellowknife is dedicated to continuously improving upon and refining our approach to emergency management. As such, all of the City’s emergency planning documents will be re-evaluated on a regular basis and modified when necessary.

Residents are encouraged to review and consider their own personal preparedness measures. This includes building your own emergency kit and creating a personal emergency plan for you and your loved ones. More information on how to prepare for emergencies can be found on our website.