The City of Yellowknife (the City) is seeking input as it develops its draft 2026-2036 Climate Action Plan. From January 14 to February 10, 2025, residents, businesses and organizations are invited to provide their insights on climate change via PlaceSpeak. The data collected in this survey will help determine how, as a community, we can best mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.

The Climate Action Plan will outline goals, objectives and actions for corporate and community‐wide climate change mitigation and adaptation, and align with the City of Yellowknife Community Plan as well as in the 2015-2025 Corporate and Community Energy Plan. 

In addition to participating in the survey, residents, businesses and organizations are invited to share their thoughts and ideas during a roundtable discussion on January 21, 2025 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. in Council Chamber, City Hall. Light snacks and drinks will be provided. To attend, please register for this event on our website by January 20, 2025.