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Yellowknife Preparing for Phased Re-Entry

Posted on Monday, August 28, 2023 06:03 PM

Today, August 28, 2023, NWT Fire announced the Behchoko/Yellowknife Fire (ZF015) is being held.  This is great news - but it does not mean the fire is under control. The City of Yellowknife (City) remains under a Territorial Evacuation Order.  Highway 3 remains closed to Northbound traffic and any person that is not cleared to enter will be turned back. 

What are we doing?

The City is proactively working with the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) to develop a phased plan to ensure the...

Pet Retrieval Plan

Posted on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 11:51 AM

The City of Yellowknife and the NWT SPCA are working together to ensure the safety of pets in our community.

In the urgency of evacuating, some pets were left behind in homes. Currently, the SPCA is providing water and food to pets in homes that have been identified through contact with the SPCA.

However, based on the number of requests for pet support and the unknown timeline that evacuees may be out of their homes, we are now working to assist with retrieving pets from homes.

Those who may have...

City to Webcast NWT Wildfire Update

Posted on Friday, August 18, 2023 06:29 PM

The City of Yellowknife (the City) will be live webcasting the Government of the Northwest Territories’ Wildfire Update at 7 pm. Today, Friday, August 18, 2023.

The GNWT will be hosting an online update on the wildfires and evacuations today. Those looking to watch this can access it from our website here:

For information please see trusted sources, the Government of the Northwest TerritoriesNWT Fire, and...

Evacuate Today

Posted on Friday, August 18, 2023 02:57 PM

AUGUST 18, 2023

An evacuation order has been issued for residents in Yellowknife, N’dilo, Dettah, and the Ingraham Trail due to wildfire. All residents, including families of essential staff need to evacuate by TODAY - Friday, August 18, 2023.

Air evacuation is in process. Go to Sir John Franklin School to register and get on flights. If you need a ride, call 867-444-0115. Currently, there are no wait lines but as the day progresses there may be due to the number of residents being evacuated. Come...

Obey the Evacuation Order

Posted on Thursday, August 17, 2023 05:00 PM

On August 16, 2023, the Government of the Northwest Territories issued an Evacuation Order for Yellowknife, N’dilo, Dettah, and Ingraham Trail directing all residents of the above areas to evacuate by NOON on Friday, August 18, 2023.

It is critical that all residents obey the Evacuation Order.  Fire behavior is expected to increase in the next few days and there will be a dramatic increase in smoky conditions.  NWT Fire has advised that Wildfire ZF015 may reach the outskirts of Yellowknife by this...