By-law Number:
Livery Licence By-law
Amended By
Amendment to Livery Licence By-law A by-law to amend Livery Licence By-law No. 4526 by removing Schedule “A” which lists the designated taxi stands and delegating the power of assigning taxi stands to the Senior Administrative Officer.
By-law No. 5000 A by-law to amend Livery Licence By-law No. 4526 as amended, to permit taxi meters, using global positioning technology or on-board diagnostics (commonly known as soft meters) to calculate distance, or time rates, or both.
By-law No. 5017
A by-law to amend Livery Licence By-law No. 4526, as amended, to modify the expiration date for Taxi Licences.
By-law No. 5050
A by-law to amend Livery Licence By-law No. 4526 to permit the maximum age of taxis to increase from nine model years old to ten model years old.