By-law Number:
Combative Sports By-law.
Amended By
Amendment to Combative Sports By-law
A by-law to amend Combative Sports By-law No. 4721 by adding definitions for "Amateur Contestants" and "Amateur Event".
By-law No. 4863 A by‐law to amend Combative Sports By‐law No. 4721, to reduce the number of members on the Yellowknife Combative Sports Commission from ten (10) to seven (7).
By-law No. 4916 A by-law to amend Combative Sports By-law No. 4721 by amending the number of members required for quorum and adding a section regarding the duration of time to cancel a meeting is quorum is not achieved.
Repealed By
By-law No. 5101
A by‐law to rescind the Combative Sports By‐law No. 4721, as amended.